Three Types of Golf Clubs
Cubby Bice has served as the president of Bice Wealth Management since 2004. Bice Wealth Management is a full-service consulting firm that helps clients with their business planning needs. When Cubby Bice is not at work, he loves to play golf.
Golf is a historically elite game, and invariably, the goods used for playing this game are made from some of the finest materials. The golf club is one of the essential equipment for playing golf, and it comes in different types.
Wooden clubs are carved out of wood and usually have rounded heads and a flat base. While in the past, the clubheads of wooden clubs were made out of wood, today, they are carved from metal. Wooden clubs have the smallest loft degrees compared to other club types.
Some golf clubs are also made of iron. These types of golf clubs are best for distances beyond 182 meters. Compared to wooden clubs, iron clubs have iron lofts and are distinguished into different sizes. The sizes one to three, known as long irons, can send the ball long distances.
Finally, a hybrid golf club is a fusion of wood and metal. Hybrid golf clubs have been noted to be versatile. Particularly, they can be used in a fairway bunker and are best for golf beginners.